Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Jornadista..."Alumni Reuinon" All Invited, Pre-J, Family

El Sábado 22 de Octubre desde las 6:00pm y hasta las 10:00pm se llevará a cabo el 2nd Jornadista Alumni, este año nos reuniremos en la Parroquia de St. Paul's - St. Agnes (Más conocida por todos nosotros como PPP), la cual se encuentra localizada en el 234 Congress Street, en Brooklyn.

Comenzaremos a las 6:00pm con la Santa Misa, seguido del encuentro en donde compartiremos una cena. Aquí les dejo una carta de los organizadores de este evento.

"One Chuito, One Jornada, One Movement, One Familia…Ayer, Hoy y Manana."

Hola Familia Jornadista:

Hoping that as summer has come to an end we find our selves blessed and under the protection of our Blessed Mother.
We are once again preparing for our "Alumni", this will be our "2nd Annual Jornadista Reunion. The excitement is building not only here in NY but abroad.

As you all know, 2011 has brought us many changes within our Movement, including the closing of beloved home of 44 years at 118 Congress St, CC House; A new meeting center at Transfiguration for our weekly classes, as well as a new home for the sacred retreats beginning in Oct. 2011, with J#176 at Nazareth H.S. in Brooklyn.

These changes in our Movement inspired us to again sponsor a reunion for ALL Jornadistas: veterans and the newer Jornadistas. One Chuito, One Jornada, One Movement, One Familia…Ayer, Hoy y Manana. This inspirational message also applies to the origin and creation of the Oldies Facebook page, where we inform all on the page, local and abroad, of the spiritual and social events happening within our Movement.

The annual "Alumnia Jornadista Reunion" is an opportunity for all of us to reconnect, to reunite and bond with all those friends and family we’ve not seen in a while and get to know new ones, in Chuito’s name.

Beginning with a Holy mass, where together we share in our Lord’s feast, singing our Jornada songs, praise and worship His holy word and Holy communion; then to a gathering afterwards where, over a pot luck meal, we share our memories, testimonies and friendship, all in His name. This year we have exciting list of "Suprise" inspirational and motiviational speakers.

While last year we had a great turn out of over 150 Jornadistas with their families. This Oct. 22nd, we hope to have an even bigger and better turn out. God bless us all as we continue to live our fourth day as promised in that small Capilla, in that wonderful retreat we will always know as…La Jornada.

In the next couple of days we will be posting an Event Page, with more details. Meanwhile, if any questions, thoughts, comments or suggestions, do not hesitate to contact any one of us.

Todo Jesus Por Maria Y Toda Maria Por Jesus

Your Brothers In Christ
Orlando Cancel, Joe Rosado, Macho Cordero


  1. Great Job Again Guys!!!!!
    - Matthew J-142
    St. Matthias

  2. Thanks matthew so much, God Bless you for all your help not only to the Museo but also how much you help our Movement and each one of us.


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