Monday, May 26, 2014

El Papa Francisco se encontraba hoy en el muro de los Lamentos y al igual que Juan Pablo II y Benedicto XVI, el Papa Francisco se acercó a el muro para depositar una plegaria.

Luego de rezar y de colocar entre las rocas un Padre Nuestro escrito en Español se unió en un abrazo con sus amigos el rabino judío Abraham Skorka (con quién tenía un programa televisivo en Argentina llamado BIBLIA, DIALOGO VIGENTE, el cual puede ser encontrado en español en el siguiente link y al líder religioso musulmán Ombar Abboud, quien trabaja desde hace años en el diálogo interreligioso como la única respuesta posible a los fundamentalismos.

"Mi peregrinación no sería completa si no incluyese también el encuentro con las personas y comunidades que viven en esta Tierra, y por eso, me alegro de poder estar con Ustedes, Amigos Musulmanes" dijo el Papa Francico

El Papa Francisco llamó a la paz y a la justicia y reclamó la figura de Abraham como ejemplo, ya que las tres religiones monoteístas lo reconocen como padre de la fe y ejemplo a imitar, si bien de manera diferente.


Pope Francis was today at the "Separation Wall" and like John Paul II and Benedict XVI , Pope Francis approached the wall to place a prayer.

After praying and placing in the rocks the Our Father prayer written in Spanish, Pope Francis joined in a hug with his friends the Jewish Rabbi Abraham Skorka (who had a television show in Argentina called BIBLIA DIALOGO VIGENTE, BIBLE DIALOGUE NOW, which can be found in Spanish in the following link) and the Muslim religious leader Ombar Abboud , who worked for years in interfaith dialogue as the only possible response to fundamentalism .

"My journey would not be complete without also would include a meeting with the people and communities who live on this earth, and for that, I am happy to be with you, Muslim friends" said Pope Francis

Pope Francis called for peace and justice and claimed the figure of Abraham as an example, since the three monotheistic religions recognize him as the father of faith and role model, each one in their own way


A Gisotti



Thursday, May 8, 2014

Museo Jornadista article on "Caminata", in The Tablet

Gabriel Marocchi and Macho Cordero

Photo Credit
Emily Leon Rodriguez
Macho Cordero
Eddie Ortiz

Year after year , this Diocesan newspaper published on the Diocesan JORNDISTAS MARCH , and many will wonder What are Jornadistas March?
Walking is an act of faith and sacrifice and not a youth exhibition and this year 2014 and since 1987 the "Caminata Jornadista" is one of the longest public youth outdoors Via Crucis.
Inspired by Rudy Vargas IV who saw a new way to evangelize and also to unite not only groups but also the Parish Jornadista groups.
"There is nothing more beautiful than to see young people without fear, walk the streets and sometimes a little dangerous neighborhoods taking the Gospel " .
But here is not only walking, at least 1-2 months before the Team Leaders and Spiritual Directors meet to determine what the years slogan will be and also which can be route or neighborhood to choose.
The beauty is the union that grows among the young as working together and spend their time in creating the banner which using the phrase chosen by the leaders of the conference put it into practice.
This year Jornadistas, young at age and spirit , started their walk at the Parish Mother Cabrini Shrine , located in Upper Manhattan.
The walk began at 8:00 am with a prayer in which the Jornadistas offered as a sacrifice to walk for the love of their neighbor, about 400 Jornadistas who gathered to share, live and profess their love in Christ spiritually walked about 8 Parishes among them we can mention Incarnation and Good Shepard culminating their Spiritual procession in the Church of Santa Rosa of Lima.
This year the Walk slogan was "The Lord will fight for you , without you having to worry about anything, Revolution . Exodus 14:14 " 
This Bible story closely resembles the essence of the walk done by the Jorndistas , young people know and live the reality that God is the center of their lives, and that this God we proclaim is true to his promise , and it is He who guides them in their daily walk , becoming aware of the sacrifices that Christ spent in his Calvary for our salvation .
It is very important to mention the presence of a priest that since 25 years ago continues to inspire young people to walk and evangelize with his example and that is this priest is Monsignor Perfecto Vazquez , Spiritual Director of the Cursillo Movement , which walked with the youth while praying , singing and encouraged the audience with his inspiring presence as there is no age or profession to follow Christ and be a witnesses of his love.
The past March, or Caminata as the Jornadistas called it that took place on April 19th marked 21 years since the first time the Jornadistas walked in Manhattan, in 1991 the first walk that was held in Manhattan was at St Emeric and despite the snow that did not scared the Jornadistas, as it was indicated by Father Victor Dallo , cm former Director of the Jornadistas, "THE JORNADISTA COMMUNITY WAS PRESENT MORE tHAN EVER " , and still is despite of bein more than 47 years since their first Jornada took place and 25 from the first Jornadista March(Caminata) of the Diocese of Brooklyn , Queens and Manhattan the youth remain an example of dedication, sacrifice and love of their neighbor always knowing that they are not walking alone, because Christ and the Blessed Virgin who walks not only with us but also within each of our hearts.


Creada hace 3 años y medio y viviendo la necesidad de estar unidos en oración, decidimos crear esta página para que todos aquellos hermanos y hermanas que necesiten de una ayuda espiritual, la reciban sabiendo que no están solos en la vida.
Si estás necesitando de una oración, haz un click en el link, tu pedido de oración será privado.

Created 3 and a half years ago and realizing the need to be united in prayer, we decided to create this page for all those brothers and sisters who need spiritual help, so they could know they are not alone in life.
If you are in need of a prayer, please click on the link, your prayer request will be private.


Jóvenes representantes del Movimiento "Lazos de Amor Mariano" nos acompañarán , este jueves a las 9pm en su programa "Ven y Sigueme" que se transmite por Radio Maria NY. 

No se lo pierdan!



Last Night our sister Jornadista Eda Rodriguez, Father Passed.
Join us in praying for her and her family, during this challenging time.
Let us Pray for Juan Rodriguez.
Oh God, who hast commanded us to honor our Father and our Mother; in Thy mercy have pity on the soul of Eda's father Juan, and forgive his his trespasses; and make me to see him again in the joy of everlasting brightness.
Through Christ our Lord.

Anoche, el papa de nuestra hermana Jornadista Eda Rodríguez,
Les pedimos se unan a nosotros en oración por ella y por su familia durante este tiempo difícil.
Oremos pues por Juan Rodríguez, quien ahora se encuentra en los cielos velando por sus seres queridos.
Oh Dios, nos has pedido honrar a nuestro Padre y a nuestra Madre en tu misericordia ten compasión por el alma del padre de Eda, el Señor Juan, perdona sus ofensas y hasta que sus seres queridos vuelvan a verlo en la alegría del eterna.
Por Cristo nuestro Señor.


We to thank Kate Mooney for inviting us to participate in the Mass of the Candidates and Neophytes, celebrated on May 6, 2014 in the Basilica of St. James in Brooklyn.

In the picture we see Kate and a group of the Parish of Holy Child Jesus Parish RC after mass.

May the Lord continue to bless everyday Kate and this wonderful group of people with which we had the honor of meeting last May 6.

We want to give our brothers and sisters of the Holy Child Jesus Parish RC fraternal hugs for all of you.

May God continue to bless you always.

Your brothers and sisters Jornadista Museum

Queremos agradecer a Kate Mooney por habernos invitado a participar de la misa de Neophytes and Candidates celebrada el dia 6 de Mayo del 2014 en la Basìlica de San Jaime en Brooklyn.
En la foto podemos ver a Kate y a un grupo de la Parroquia de Holy Child Jesus Parish RC despuès de la Misa.

Que el Señor siga dìa a dìa bendiciendo a Kate y a este maravilloso grupo de personas las cual tuvimos el honor de conocer el pasado 6 de Mayo.
Queremos dar a nuestros hermanos y hermanas de la Parroquia Holy Child Jesus Parish RC un abrazo al cual Cristo y Marìa se unen.

Que el Señor los siga bendiciendo.

Sus hermanos y hermanas del Museo Jornadista


El Museo Jornadista desea agradecer al diario catòlico Nuestra Voz por haber publicado una nota y las fotos sobre la Caminata 2014.
El artìculo ademàs puede ser visto en la pàgina del diario en el siguiente link

Este diario es junto con el Tablet la mejor informaciòn que tenemos en la Diòcesis de Brooklyn y Queens, invitamos que visiten sus pàginas o que hablen con sus sacerdotes para pedirles una copia.

Un abrazo a nuestros amigos del Tablet y Nuestra Voz por toda su labor en nuestra Diòcesis.



The Museo Jornadista wishes to thank the Catholic newspaper Nuestra Voz for publishing a note and photos on the Jornadista 2014 Caminata.
The article also can be seen in the page of the newspaper on the following link

This newspaper, along with the Tablet is the best information we have in the Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens, we invite you to visit their pages online or ask your priests for a copy of their papers.

A hug to our friends of The Tablet and Nuestra Voz for all your work in our Diocese.



Sunday, May 4, 2014




Undoubtedly , Pope Francis is one of the most beloved by his charisma and because he is humble, which is not found easily in some sectors of our Catholic community today.

With his lifestyle where the poor persons will always be first to him, and with his loving actions, he has influenced the lives of people from all walks of life and profession.

Today we talk about David Uhl, which the Jornadista Museum was fortunate to meet and interview .
His impressive work, which is world renowned for his passion and devotion to the paintings related to Harley Davidson , but even more so his work has resonated in the artistic and virtual world especially a work created by Him and commissioned by the company Harley Davidson where celebrate the 110th anniversary of the company which titled " CHANCE ENCOUNTER " or " MEETING TIMELY " where he drew a a priest that looks a lot like the Pope, but as David told us, was not based on the Pope, but best of this story is the emotion that Greg describes it was meeting the most humble person in the world .

When David knew he could meet the Pope and show the bike and the painting and be the spokesman for Harley Davidson handing the Pope on behalf of the company two motorcycles and the original painting, David never imagined what he was going to live in that day and this wonderful event would mark him for the rest of his life .
Seeing this wonderful painting, Pope Francis asked if they could do a postcard and stamp in celebration of his painting, which the artist agreed , while the Pope gave him access to the Vatican Museum and the eyes of this artist changed forever.
That day will stay engraved in his heart and we were honored to be able to live through the experience, a new way of learning more about our Pontiff and understand that living with the humility that has and is the only way to get closer to God and live the Gospel, because in these times of human ignorance, discrimination, superiority and delusions of grandeur and power does not lead to God, but a long road full of bitterness.

Reflect that Christ is after a latent reality that dwells in our hearts and even more lives in the hearts of those who do not understand our humanity, our pains, our dedication and our commitment to serving the needy recalling the Gospel of Mark (10, 17-30 ) to prune really come to Christ we have to leave everything and follow the mundane .



Sin lugar a dudas, el Papa Francisco es una de las personas mas queridas por su carisma y humildad, la cual no es encontrada facilmente entrela comunidad católica de nuestros días.

Con su estilo de vida y de entrega al projimo, especialmente a los pobres, de dinero y de espíritu, a influenciado en la vida de personas de toda clase de vida y profesión.

Hoy queremos hablar de David Uhl, el cual el Museo Jornadista tuvo la dicha de conocer y entrevistar.
Su impresionante trabajo, el cual es conocido mundialmente por su pasión y devoción por las pinturas relacionadas con las motocicletas Harley Davidson, pero mas aún su trabajo ha resonado en el mundo artístico y virtual especialmente una obra creada por Él y encargada por la compania Harley Davidson en donde celebran el 110 aniversario de la compania la cual tituló "CHANCE ENCOUNTER", o "ENCUENTRO OPORTUNO" en donde el dibujó a un Sacerdote muy parecido al Papa, pero como David nos contaba, no ha sido basado en el Papa, pero lo mejor de esta historia es la emoción con la que David nos describe fue el conocer a la persona mas humilde del mundo.

Cuando David supo que podía conocer al Papa y mostrarle el cuadra y ser el vocero de Harley Davidson entregándole al Papa en nombre de dicha companía 2 motocicletas y el cuadro original nunca imaginó lo que le que ese día viviría y lo marcaría por el resto de su vida.

Al ver el papa esta maravilla le pidió si podían hacer una postal en conmemoración de su pintura, lo cual el artista accedió, y al mismo tiempo el Papa le dio acceso al museo del Vaticano y los ojos de este artista cambiaron para siempre.
Ese día le quedo grabado en su corazón y nosotros tuvimos el honor de poder vivir a través de su experiencia, una nueva manera de conocer más a nuestro Pontífice y comprender que viviendo con la humildad que el posee es la única manera de acercarse mas a Dios y vivir el Evangelio, ya que en estos tiempos la ignorancia del ser humano, la discriminación, la superioridad y los delirios de grandeza y potestad no llevan a Dios, sino a un camino largo lleno de amargura.
Reflexionemos pués que Cristo es una realidad latente que habita en nuestros corazones y mas aún habita en el corazón de aquellos que no comprenden nuestra humanidad, nuestros dolores, nuestra entrega y nuestro compromiso al servicio de los necesitados recordando el Evangelio de San Marcos (10,17-30), para pode realmente llegar a Cristo hemos de dejar todo lo mundano y seguirlo.