Monday, December 22, 2014


With much love we approach all our brothers and sisters who daily follow and accompany us through our blog ( or our Facebook




We wish all of you a wonderful holiday knowing that OUR Father and Mother the Blessed Virgin will always be inside of us not only at Christmas but all year being them the path to the encounter with Jesus.

Which, like all baby Jesus continue to grow in their hearts and let him sustenance of His Holy Love and we ask Him to help us to be a more united family, that we can grow together, no matter the age, nationality, church or religious group we belong or what language we speak knowing that we have someone in common that has united us, who loves us and will always be for us and that person is our beloved Father God.

He does not ask us anything in return, but that we love and accept ourselves as we are, and we can STATES grow in their love.

Therefore, let us unite in prayer to thank all the gifts and fruits that we have received and continue to receive, and all the love that we receive every day of this wonderful Father who gave us his a family knowing that we will never be alone, and that prayer is the best communication that we all have so we can continue to grow as Catholics.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Lamentamos informarles a todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas que nuestro querido hermano Juan Gabriel Almanzar "Moreno" falleció en la mañana del 9 de julio de 2014.

Dios necesitaba de un ángel para velar por nosotros y llamó a un amigo maravilloso, Dios nos regaló el don de su amistad y sabemos que era y será siempre el mejor amigo de todos.

Todos estamos tristes por la noticia y al mismo tiempo sorprendidos porque Moreno es un ser humano que lleva luz y amor a todos los que le rodean.
Nos sentimos terrible al saber esta noticia y les pedimos que lo tengan en sus oraciones especialmente les pedimos mantengan en oración a su familia, porque sabemos que nuestro querido "Moreno" era el centro de sus vidas.

Por eso le pedimos a todos ustedes, incluso a todos aquellos hermanos que no lo conocían que se únan a nosotros para rezar por él y en especial elevar una oración a su familia.

Pueden hacerlo desde su casa, la escuela, el trabajo, en el tren únamos en cadena de oración para rezar un Rosario en su nombre y en nombre de su familia para que juntos con una oración que podemos sanar su dolor y esperar que Chuito lo lleve en sus brazos y así nuestro querido Moreno nos mirará desde el cielo.

Te extrañaremos eternamente querido amigo.
We regret to inform to all our Brothers and Sisters that our beloved brother John Gabriel Almanzar "Moreno" passed away on the morning of July 9 2014.

God need it of an Angel to watch over us and he call a wonderful friend, God give us the gift of his friendship and he was and always will be the best friends of all.

We are all sad for this news and at the same time shocked because he was on human being that bring light to everyone that was around him. We feel terrible for this news specially for his family because we know that our beloved "Moreno" was the center of their lives.

For that reason we ask all of you, even do to those that did not knew him to pray for him and specially for his family.
Joined us from your home, school, work, on the train to pray a Rosary in his name and in the name of his family so together with a prayer we can heal their pain and have Chuito hugging and watching us from heaven.

We will eternally miss you great friend.
As we continue to mourn and pray for the soul of our brother Jornadista, "Moreno J157". 
We encourage you to help the family out in this time of need. JORNADISTAS digamous presente!!! 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

¿Conocías a Zach Sobiech?

¿Conocías a Zach Sobiech?
Tal vez no, pero este joven de apenas 18 años, marcó con sus canciones a millones de personas alrededor del mundo, y su pasión por la vida es un ejemplo del cual hemos de seguir e imitar.

A los 17 años, Zach fue diagnosticado con osteosarcome, un cáncer de huesos raros que es encontrado en los niños.

Con pocos meses de vida, Zach decidió aprovechar todo el tiempo posible, en algo que era para Él una de sus grandes pasiones, la música, la cual le ayudo muchísimo durante este proceso.

Su canción “CLOUDS”, la cual puede ser encontrada en el siguiente link ( se convirtió en un hit el cual tuvo furor en la internet y fue oída no solo en los Estados Unidos, pero también en el mundo entero y en donde artistas del mundo del cine, la televisión y la música se unieron a Zach para que su mensaje sea oído por siempre.

Ayudemos a difundir el mensaje de Zach apoyando a su fundación descargando esta maravillosa canción en Itunes.

Los dejamos con este maravilloso documental, que está en Inglés, pero que sabemos que Zach desde el cielo sigue día a día inspirando a todos y cada una de las personas que a veces caminamos por la vida con dolor o tristeza y no nos damos cuenta que alrededor de nosotros tenemos muchos regalos que Dios nos ha dado y hemos de compartir con todos los que nos rodean.

MY LAST DAYS, MIS ÚLTIMOS DÍAS (Subtitulos en Español)


Did you know Zach Sobiech ?
Maybe not, but this young man of just 18 years old, touch with his songs millions of people worldwide, and their passion for life is an example of which we follow and imitate.

At 17, Zach was diagnosed with ostéosarcome a rare bone cancer that is found in children.

With a few months of life, Zach decided to take advantage of his time as long as possible, and do something that was for him one of his great passions, MUSIC, which helped him a lot during this time.

His song "CLOUDS" which can be found at the following link ( became a hit which was an instant success in the internet and was heard not only in the United States, but also in the world and where artists from film, television and music joined Zach for your message to be heard forever.

Let's help spread the message of supporting his foundation Zach downloading this wonderful song on Itunes.

We leave you with this wonderful documentary, we know that Zach is from heaven and every day He is inspiring each and every one of the people who sometimes walk through life with pain and sadness and we do not realize that around us we have many gifts that God has given to us and we have to share with all those around us.


Monday, May 26, 2014

El Papa Francisco se encontraba hoy en el muro de los Lamentos y al igual que Juan Pablo II y Benedicto XVI, el Papa Francisco se acercó a el muro para depositar una plegaria.

Luego de rezar y de colocar entre las rocas un Padre Nuestro escrito en Español se unió en un abrazo con sus amigos el rabino judío Abraham Skorka (con quién tenía un programa televisivo en Argentina llamado BIBLIA, DIALOGO VIGENTE, el cual puede ser encontrado en español en el siguiente link y al líder religioso musulmán Ombar Abboud, quien trabaja desde hace años en el diálogo interreligioso como la única respuesta posible a los fundamentalismos.

"Mi peregrinación no sería completa si no incluyese también el encuentro con las personas y comunidades que viven en esta Tierra, y por eso, me alegro de poder estar con Ustedes, Amigos Musulmanes" dijo el Papa Francico

El Papa Francisco llamó a la paz y a la justicia y reclamó la figura de Abraham como ejemplo, ya que las tres religiones monoteístas lo reconocen como padre de la fe y ejemplo a imitar, si bien de manera diferente.


Pope Francis was today at the "Separation Wall" and like John Paul II and Benedict XVI , Pope Francis approached the wall to place a prayer.

After praying and placing in the rocks the Our Father prayer written in Spanish, Pope Francis joined in a hug with his friends the Jewish Rabbi Abraham Skorka (who had a television show in Argentina called BIBLIA DIALOGO VIGENTE, BIBLE DIALOGUE NOW, which can be found in Spanish in the following link) and the Muslim religious leader Ombar Abboud , who worked for years in interfaith dialogue as the only possible response to fundamentalism .

"My journey would not be complete without also would include a meeting with the people and communities who live on this earth, and for that, I am happy to be with you, Muslim friends" said Pope Francis

Pope Francis called for peace and justice and claimed the figure of Abraham as an example, since the three monotheistic religions recognize him as the father of faith and role model, each one in their own way


A Gisotti



Thursday, May 8, 2014

Museo Jornadista article on "Caminata", in The Tablet

Gabriel Marocchi and Macho Cordero

Photo Credit
Emily Leon Rodriguez
Macho Cordero
Eddie Ortiz

Year after year , this Diocesan newspaper published on the Diocesan JORNDISTAS MARCH , and many will wonder What are Jornadistas March?
Walking is an act of faith and sacrifice and not a youth exhibition and this year 2014 and since 1987 the "Caminata Jornadista" is one of the longest public youth outdoors Via Crucis.
Inspired by Rudy Vargas IV who saw a new way to evangelize and also to unite not only groups but also the Parish Jornadista groups.
"There is nothing more beautiful than to see young people without fear, walk the streets and sometimes a little dangerous neighborhoods taking the Gospel " .
But here is not only walking, at least 1-2 months before the Team Leaders and Spiritual Directors meet to determine what the years slogan will be and also which can be route or neighborhood to choose.
The beauty is the union that grows among the young as working together and spend their time in creating the banner which using the phrase chosen by the leaders of the conference put it into practice.
This year Jornadistas, young at age and spirit , started their walk at the Parish Mother Cabrini Shrine , located in Upper Manhattan.
The walk began at 8:00 am with a prayer in which the Jornadistas offered as a sacrifice to walk for the love of their neighbor, about 400 Jornadistas who gathered to share, live and profess their love in Christ spiritually walked about 8 Parishes among them we can mention Incarnation and Good Shepard culminating their Spiritual procession in the Church of Santa Rosa of Lima.
This year the Walk slogan was "The Lord will fight for you , without you having to worry about anything, Revolution . Exodus 14:14 " 
This Bible story closely resembles the essence of the walk done by the Jorndistas , young people know and live the reality that God is the center of their lives, and that this God we proclaim is true to his promise , and it is He who guides them in their daily walk , becoming aware of the sacrifices that Christ spent in his Calvary for our salvation .
It is very important to mention the presence of a priest that since 25 years ago continues to inspire young people to walk and evangelize with his example and that is this priest is Monsignor Perfecto Vazquez , Spiritual Director of the Cursillo Movement , which walked with the youth while praying , singing and encouraged the audience with his inspiring presence as there is no age or profession to follow Christ and be a witnesses of his love.
The past March, or Caminata as the Jornadistas called it that took place on April 19th marked 21 years since the first time the Jornadistas walked in Manhattan, in 1991 the first walk that was held in Manhattan was at St Emeric and despite the snow that did not scared the Jornadistas, as it was indicated by Father Victor Dallo , cm former Director of the Jornadistas, "THE JORNADISTA COMMUNITY WAS PRESENT MORE tHAN EVER " , and still is despite of bein more than 47 years since their first Jornada took place and 25 from the first Jornadista March(Caminata) of the Diocese of Brooklyn , Queens and Manhattan the youth remain an example of dedication, sacrifice and love of their neighbor always knowing that they are not walking alone, because Christ and the Blessed Virgin who walks not only with us but also within each of our hearts.


Creada hace 3 años y medio y viviendo la necesidad de estar unidos en oración, decidimos crear esta página para que todos aquellos hermanos y hermanas que necesiten de una ayuda espiritual, la reciban sabiendo que no están solos en la vida.
Si estás necesitando de una oración, haz un click en el link, tu pedido de oración será privado.

Created 3 and a half years ago and realizing the need to be united in prayer, we decided to create this page for all those brothers and sisters who need spiritual help, so they could know they are not alone in life.
If you are in need of a prayer, please click on the link, your prayer request will be private.


Jóvenes representantes del Movimiento "Lazos de Amor Mariano" nos acompañarán , este jueves a las 9pm en su programa "Ven y Sigueme" que se transmite por Radio Maria NY. 

No se lo pierdan!